Kings Ransom With Gary and Liz Discussing "A New Heaven and A New Earth " Revelation Chapter 21
This video is about John witnessed and saw both a new heaven and a new earth come down for the old heaven and the old earth had passed away. This event takes place in Revelation Chapter 21. We encourage you to study with us.
Kings Ransom with Gary and Liz discussing "Abraham and Sarah's Thanksgiving"
This video is about Abraham's faith and how God spared Isaac because of Abraham's obedience. Abraham sacrificed a Ram God provided in a bush. We invite you to study with us Genesis Chapters 21 and 22.
Kings Ransom With Gary and Liz Discussing "America's Independence" with Matthew Chapter 6
We celebrate "America's Independence by playing "American Liberty" Songs. This Video is about Fasting. Not how fast you can eat, drive, or run more about developing a relationship with God,the Father, the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ. The Treasures we have come from God. Our treasures should be where our heart is. We can only serve one master which should be only Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. Fasting, Treasures, and God's Kingdom are taken from Matthew Chapter 6:16-34. We encourage you to get your Bible and study along with us.
Kings Ransom With Gary and Liz Discussing "The Birth Of Jesus"
This video "The Birth Of Jesus Christ" is about the Birth of Jesus. Jesus was born to Joseph and Mary in the town of Bethlehem, in Judea, in a manger. Mary was told by an angel she would conceive a child by the Holy Spirit. The child would be a Son and will name him Jesus meaning Savior because He will save His people from their sins. Jesus will be called Emmanuel (meaning God is with us).The Birth Of Jesus fulfilled the prediction of the prophets concerning the Messiah, "He shall be called a Nazarene".
Gary and Liz Stephenson Discuss “The Birth of Jesus”
This video is about "The Birth of Jesus." Mary conceived a child by the Holy Spirit. Mary gave Birth to the child who was named Jesus. Wrapped in Swaddling clothes and laid in a manger or trough that held feed for the Animals. This event takes place in Luke Chapter 2. We invite you to get your Bible and study along with us. We pray you will help us to spread God's Word by forwarding this to your family, friends, etc. Thanks, God Bless and have a Blessed Day.
This Video is about the birth of JESUS. The Holy Ghost visited Virgin Mary and told her she was going to conceive a child. Mary’s husband Joseph was going to put Mary away privately until Joseph was visited by an angel in his sleep telling him Mary was going to give birth to a firstborn son and He will be called JESUS. This event takes place in Matthew chapters one and two and we encourage you to get your Bible and study along with us.
Kings Ransom with Gary and Liz Discussing Breakfast with Jesus
This video is about Jesus meeting with the disciples at the seashore with encouragement and instructions. This event takes place in John chapter 21. We encourage you to study your Bible along with us.
Kings Ransom With Gary and Liz Discussing "Christ's Glorious Second Coming To Earth" Revelation 19
This video deals with the end of the tribulation and Christ's glorious second coming to earth to destroy the beast, the false prophet, the ungodly, and to reign with His saints. This event takes place in Revelation Chapter 19. We encourage you to study along with us.
Gary and Liz Stephenson with Kings Ransom Discussing "Creation of Man"
This video is about God's Creation of Man. And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. God created both male and female. This event takes place in Genesis Chapter 1:26-31. We encourage you to get your Bible and study along with us. We also, encourage you to help us spread the word of God by forwarding this link to your family and friends. Thanks, God Bless and have a blessed day.
Kings Ransom With Gary and Liz Discussing "Daniel and the Lion's Den"
This video is about King Darius being forced to sign into law a decree that could not be canceled or changed. The law was of the Medes and Persians to throw anyone who worships any other God or man except King Darius to be arrested and thrown into the lions den. Daniel continued to worship God in front of his own window. Daniel was arrested and thrown into the den of lions. King Darius knew Daniel's God would save Daniel. God delivered Daniel. King Darius wound up throwing to the Lions the people who had witnessed Daniel worshiping God Three times a day. This event takes place in Daniel Chapter 6 and we invite you to join us in our study of Daniel Chapter 6.
Kings Ransom With Gary and Liz Discussing "Daniel’s Dream of the End Times"
This video is about Daniel's Dream of the End times. Daniel dreamed of a great storm on a mighty ocean, with strong winds blowing from every direction. Coming up out of the water Daniel saw four huge animals different from each other. The first beast Daniel saw was “like a lion". It had the wings of an eagle and represented Babylon. The second beast in Daniel’s dream was “like a bear." It was raised up on one of its sides, had three ribs in its mouth and represented the Medo-Persian Empire. The third beast was “like a leopard,” except it had four bird-like wings on its back, four heads and represents Greece. The fourth beast Daniel saw rising from the sea was the most dreadful and powerful. This fourth beast had bronze claws and large iron teeth. It crushed and devoured its victims and trampled underfoot what was left. The fourth beast had ten horns and represented the Roman Empire. In the end, all nations under heaven and their power shall be given to the people of God; they shall rule all things forever, and all rulers shall serve and obey them. This event takes place in Daniel Chapter 7. We invite you to get your Bible and study with us.
Kings Ransom With Gary and Liz Discussing "Daniel's Dream of the Ram and Goat"
This Video is about Daniel praying and seeking the meaning of the dream he had concerning the ram and goat. God sent the angel Gabriel to explain to Daniel what would happen in the latter time of the indignation. Gabriel then explained the meaning of the ram and goat being the kings of Media and Persia and the kingdom of Greece. This event takes place in Daniel Chapter 8 and we invite you to get your Bible and study with us.
Kings Ransom With Gary and Liz Discussing "Daniel's Prophecy of Seventy Weeks"
This video is about Daniel's understanding God's Plan of the Seventy Weeks of Desolation and of the End Times explained by the Angel Gabriel. This event takes place in Daniel Chapter 9. We invite you to study with us.
This video is about first, Daniel refused to eat the food and wine given to him and his three friends by King Nebuchadnezzar. Daniel and his three friends were healthier and had better ability to learn. Secondly, Nebuchadnezzar had a dream that couldn't be interpreted by his prominent astrologers or skilled magicians. God in a vision gave Daniel both the dream and interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar's dream. King Nebuchadnezzar appointed Daniel over the whole providence of Babylon. We invite you to study Daniel Chapters 1 and 2 with us.
This video is about first, Daniel refused to eat the food and wine given to him and his three friends by King Nebuchadnezzar. Daniel and his three friends were healthier and had better ability to learn. Secondly, Nebuchadnezzar had a dream that couldn't be interpreted by his prominent astrologers or skilled magicians. God in a vision gave Daniel both the dream and interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar's dream. King Nebuchadnezzar appointed Daniel over the whole providence of Babylon. We invite yo to study Daniel Chapters 1 and 2 with us.
Kings Ransom With Gary and Liz Discussing the Time of Trouble Daniel Chapter12
This video is about Michael, the mighty angelic angel, who told Daniel to keep this prophecy a secret, seal the prophecy up that it will not be understood or revealed until the end times. The end times prophecy will only will be revealed to those who obey God. This event takes place in Daniel Chapter 12. We encourage you to study Daniel Chapter 12 along with us.
Kings Ransom With Gary and LIz Discussing Daniel's Vision Chapter 10
This video is about Daniel (also called Belteshazzar) had another vision. The vision concerned events certain to happen in the future: times of great tribulation—wars and sorrows, and this time he understood what the vision meant Daniel encountered the Arch Angel Michael. This event takes place in Daniel Chapter 10. We encourage you to study with us.
Kings Ransom with Gary and Liz discussing the "Dark Underside of Abortion"
The Video is about Sue Bohlin's research on abortion and the after effects. Also, the anger, grief, guilt, and depression that follows an abortion for the woman and how to deal with it.
Kings Ransom with Gary and Liz discussing the "Deception of Adam and Eve"
Genesis 3 is a discussion of how Adam and Eve were deceived by the ole devil in the Garden of Eden. Their consequences of deception were followed by God's grace and forgiveness through His Son Jesus. We encourage you to get your Bible and study Genesis 3 with us.
Kings Ransom Discuss A Dysfunctional Family In The Bible Part I
This video is about a dysfunctional family. The father, Isaac, is deceived by his youngest son, Jacob, with the help of his mother, Rebekah, to help steal the blessing of his brother Esau. Earlier Esau sold his birthright away to Jacob for a bowl of soup. This event takes place in Genesis chapters 25 and 27. We encourage you to get your Bible and study along with us.
Kings Ransom Discuss Dysfunctional Families Part 2
This Video Is about Dysfunctional Families. Sarah couldn't bear her husband Abraham any children. Sarah had a handmaid named Hagar. Sarah gave Abraham Hagar as his wife. Hagar conceived and bore a son named Ishmael. Rest of the story is history. This event takes place in Genesis 16 and 21. We encourage you to get your Bible and study along with us.
Kings Ransom Ministries with Gary and Liz Discussing "Elijah and the Widow at Zarephath"
The Lord commanded Elijah to go to Zarephath, there a widow would provide food for him and test her faith. "For thus saith the Lord God of Israel, The barrel of meal shall not waste, neither shall the cruse of oil fail, until the day that the Lord sendeth rain upon the earth." I Kings 17:13-14
Kings Ransom With Gary and Liz Discussing "End Time Events Until Second Coming of Christ"
In this video, God reveals to Daniel information about major world powers, beginning with the Medo-Persian Empire and continuing with events through the end times before Christ’s second coming. This event takes place in Daniel Chapter 11. We encourage you to study your Bible along with us.
Kings Ransom Ministries with Gary and Liz discussing the "End Times"
It is much like it was in the days of Noah, before the great flood. Noah spent 120 years warning people of a coming flood judgment that is the same as today. People are going around like ostriches with their head stuck in the sand not concerned about Jesus coming back for those who have accepted Him and unbelievers are lost for all eternity.
Kings Ransom With Gary and Liz Discussing "Events After Jesus's Return To Earth" Revelation 20
Revelation Chapter 20 deals with events after the return of Jesus back to Earth. Satan will be bound for a thousand years and those that had not worshiped Satan or accepted his mark on their foreheads or hands will reign with Jesus for a thousand years. We encourage you to study Revelation Chapter 20 with us.
This video is about a paralyzed man at the pool of of Bethesda, and a Woman with an issue of blood, both had excuses and justification. They both as a last resort turned to Jesus for healing. This event takes place in John Chapter 5 and Mark Chapter5 We encourage you to get your Bible and study along with us.
This video is about a man with palsy brought in by friends to Jesus. Because of the crowd, they took him to the housetop, and let him down through the roof. Jesus saw their faith, he told the man, thy sins are forgiven. This event takes place in Luke Chapter 5. We encourage you to study a long with us.
Kings Ransom With Gary and Liz Discussing "False Teachers"
This video is about being aware of false prophets who appear as ravening wolves in sheep’s clothing. Jesus knows his people and prophets by teaching and preaching the Word of God. Not adding to or sugar coding the Word of God. People who have a true relationship with Jesus have wisdom and discernment making decisions, using faith standing on the Word of God. They are like the wise man who built his house on the solid rock, Jesus Christ. This study is from Matthew chapter 7 verses 15 through 29. We encourage you to get your Bible and study along with us.
Kings Ransom Ministries with Gary and Liz Discussing the "Feud of Mordecai and Haman"
From the Book of Ester, Mordecai was honored instead of Haman and Haman was hung on the gallows he had built for Mordecai. There is an ole saying, "What Goes Around Comes Around."
Kings Ransom with Gary and Liz discussing "God's Creation"
God Creates man and woman and gave them instructions about the Garden of Eden. God creates Man out of Dust and creates woman from a rib taken from Adam's side. Genesis Chapter 2. This Video is dedicated as a memorial to Bob McRee. We encourage you to get your Bible and study along with us. Help us to spread the Word of God by sharing and forwarding this link to your Family, friends, etc. Thanks, and God Bless
Kings Ransom With Gary and Liz Discussing "God's Creation"
This Video is about God created the heaven and the earth, divided the light from the darkness, divided land and sea, created trees and grass, beast and cattle, made signs for seasons days and years. These events take place in Genesis 1 verses 1-25. We encourage you to study your Bible along with us.
Kings Ransom With Gary and Liz Discussing the "Handwriting On the Wall" Daniel Chapter 5
This video is about Belshazzar being at a great feast with both officers and staff. Belshazzar was drinking wine out of a gold and silver cup taken from the Temple in Jerusalem. Belshazzar saw the finger's of a man's hand writing on the wall. Fear and Terror gripped Belshazzar. Belshazzar called for the magicians and astrologers to interpret the handwriting but they could not. The queen mother suggested that Daniel interpret the Handwriting. Daniel interpreted the hand writing Mene, Mene, Tekel, Parsin. As promised Daniel was robed in Purple, a gold chain hung around h(is neck, and Daniel was proclaimed third ruler in the kingdom. This event took place in Daniel Chapter 5. We invite you to get your Bible and study Daniel Chapter 5 with us.
Kings Ransom With Gary and Liz Discussing "How Daniel and His Friends Escape From the Fiery Furnace"
This video is about Daniel who is known as Shadrach and his two friends, Meshack and Abednego, were thrown into a flaming fiery furnace because they refused to bow down and worship the golden statue of King Nebuchadnezzar. While bound in the fiery furnace, Jesus became the Fourth Man in the fire and freed Shadrach, Meshack, and Abednego from being harmed by the fiery furnace. Nebuchadnezzar set out a degree that if anyone speaks a word against the God of Shadrach, Meshack, and Abednego shall be torn from limb to limb, and their house knocked into a heap of rubble. This video takes place in Daniel Chapter 3, we invite you to study with us.
Kings Ransom with Gary and Liz discussing "Is God for Real?" Part 1 Genesis Chapter 1
"Is God for Real" Part 1. A study of the creation and what God did in Genesis Chapter1 verses 1-24. We encourage you to get your Bible and study along with us.
Kings Ransom with Gary and Liz discussing Is "God for Real" Part 3
"Is God for Real" Part 3, Genesis Chapter 2, God Creates man & woman and gave them instructions about the Garden of Eden. This Video is dedicated as a memorial to Bob McRee.
Gary and Liz Stephenson with Kings Ransom Ministries Discuss “Jesus Heals A Blind Man”
This Video Is about Jesus Heals a Man Blind from Birth. Jesus spat on the ground, and made clay of the spittle, and he anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay. This Event takes place in John Chapter 9. We encourage you to get your Bible and study along with us. We invite you to get your Bible and study along with us. We pray you will help us to spread God's Word by forwarding this to your family, friends, etc. Thanks, God Bless and have a Blessed Day.
Kings Ransom With Gary and Liz Discussing "Jesus Is Coming Back Soon" Revelation Chapter 22
This video is about Jesus is coming back soon. The angel was told not to seal the words of prophecy in the Bible for the return of Jesus is at hand. This event takes place in Revelation Chapter 22. We encourage you to study along with us.
Gary and Liz Stephenson with Kings Ransom Discussing “Jesus Is Risen”
This video is about the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ our Lord, Savior and King of Kings. This event takes place in Matthew Chapters 27 and 28.
Gary and Liz with Kings Ransom discussing "John the Baptist Prepares the Way for Jesus"
This Video is about John the Baptist Prepares the Way for Jesus. John the Baptist came, preaching in the wilderness of Judea telling people to “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand, for today is the day of salvation.” Even the prophet Isaiah spoke of John the Baptist “calling in the wilderness to make way for the Lord, and to make straight paths for Him.” This event takes place in Matthew Chapter 3. We encourage you to get your Bible and study along with us.
Kings Ransom with Gary and Liz Stephenson Discussing Part 2 "Jonah and the Whale"
Jonah refuses to follow God's instruction to minister where God told him to minister to Nineveh and suffers the consequences of his disobedience to God.
Kings Ransom with Gary and Liz Discussing "Joseph and the Coat of Many Colors" Part 1
This video Part 1, "Joseph and the Coat of Many Colors" is about a Father (Jacob) who loved one of his sons (Joseph) more than any of his other children. Jacob showed more favors toward Joseph. Jacob made Joseph a coat of many colors which made the other children mad. Also, because of Joseph's dreams, Joseph's brothers retaliated by putting Joseph in a pit and sold Joseph to some Ishmaelites. We will pick up with this in Part 2 of "Joseph and the Coat of Many Colors”. We Invite you to study Genesis Chapter 37 with us.
Kings Ransom with Gary and Liz discussing "Joseph Going from the Pit to Prison" Part 2
Gary and Liz with Kings Ransom Discussing "Joseph Going from the Pit to Prison" Part 2 In this video Joseph "Going from the Pit to Prison" Part 2, Joseph's brothers sold Joseph to some Ishmaelites who sold Joseph to Potiphar, Pharaoh's captain of the Egyptian guard. Potiphar made Joseph overseer of his house because Potiphar saw the Lord was with Joseph and Joseph prospered. However, Potiphar's wife wanted Joseph to lie with her. Joseph fled, she caught Joseph by his garment. Potiphar put Joseph in prison. The keeper of the prison put Joseph in charge of serving Pharaoh's chief butler and baker in prison. They had dreams and Joseph interpreted them. The chief butler was restored to Pharaohs service. Also, we would appreciate you spreading the Word of God with us by forwarding this link to your family, friends, etc. We invite you to study with us Genesis Chapters 39 and 40.
Kings Ransom With Gary and Liz Discussing "Joseph Interpreting Pharaohs Dreams" Part 3
This video, Part 3, is about Joseph being taken from the dungeon to interpret Pharaoh's dreams. God reveals the dreams to Joseph. Joseph gives God the Glory for the interpretation. Following Joseph's interpretation of the dreams to Pharaoh, Pharaoh places his own signet ring on Josephs finger as a token of authority over all the land. Joseph recognizes his brothers when they come to Egypt to buy grain, but the brothers don't recognize Joseph. These events take place in Genesis Chapters 41 and 42, we invite you to study your Bible along with us.
Kings Ransom With Gary and Liz Discussing "Joseph, Jacob and Brothers Are Reunited" Part 4
This Video Part 4, Joseph is reunited with his father and brothers in the land of Goshen in Egypt. God works out what was bad for all of them into something good. We invite you to study with us Genesis chapters 43 through 46.
Kings Ransom with Gary and Liz discussing "Moses Parting of the Red Sea"
Our circumstances may build up around us. Moses said, "Do not be afraid, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord; which He will accomplish for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall see again no more forever. The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace."(Exodus 14:13-14 KJV)
This video is about Nebuchadnezzar's dream of the Tree. The dream is Nebuchadnezzar will be forced out of the palace to live with the animals in the fields and to eat grass like the cows for seven years, until Nebuchadnezzar realizes that God divides out the kingdoms of men and gives them to anyone He chooses. End of seven years Nebuchadnezzar looked up tp Heaven, and his sanity was restored to him. This event takes place in Daniel Chapter 4. We invite you to get your Bible and study with us.
Kings Ransom Ministries with Gary and Liz Discussing "Noah and the Ark"
The Lord told Noah to warn the wicked people, then to build an Ark and gave Noah the instructions on how to build it. Noah obeyed, and he and his family were saved.
Kings Ransom Ministries With Gary and Liz Stephenson Discussing "Obedience."
Obedience is to obey the commandments of Jesus as in John 13:34 "Love one another" & "Love your neighbor as yourself." Choosing to follow Jesus is obedience.
Kings Ransom Ministries with Gary and Liz Discussing the "Parable of the Sower"
The Seed sown was the Word of God which fell on different soils which represents the different kinds of hearts, the hard heart, a shallow heart, or a receptive heart.
Kings Ransom Ministries With Gary and Liz Discussing the "Parable of the Ten Virgins"
The "Parable of the Ten Virgins." Only Five Virgins had Oil for their Lamps which represents Preparedness with a close Relationship with God and the Holy Spirit. We don't condemn SPORTS and ENTERTAINMENT ACTIVITIES but God and Family should come first.
Kings Ransom with Gary and Liz discussing the "Rapture"
Discussing the Rapture, Greek and Latin meanings are the catching up and transformation of Christians dead or alive to meet Jesus in the air to be with Him. Only God knows when this will happen. We must be ready. This is an event we should all look forward to.
This video is about after Jesus fasted forty days and nights without food in the wilderness the devil came and tempted Jesus three (3) times. Jesus was weak and hungry, but Jesus had been fed Spiritually and was able to resist the devil three (3) times. After Jesus resisted and the devil left, the angels came and ministered to Jesus. This event takes place in Matthew chapter four verses one thru eleven. We encourage you to get your Bible and study along with us
Gary and Liz Stephenson with Kings Ransom Discussing “Samson’s Strength”.
This Video Is About Samson's Strength, and why Delilah was so eager for Samson to tell her where Samson's strength was. This event takes place in Judges Chapter 16. We encourage you to get your Bible and study along with us. We also, encourage you to help us spread the word of God by forwarding this link to your family and friends. Thanks, God Bless and have a blessed day
This video is about Saul being converted to Paul as he was on his way to Damascus to arrest and punish the Christians. This event takes place in Acts Chapter 9 verses1-31. We encourage you to get your Bible and study along with us.
King's Ransom With Gary Stephenson Playing Southern Gospel Music
Gary Is playing some of your Southern Gospel favorite Hymns and songs Country Style. Some of the songs played are: "Just A Closer Walk, Precious Lord Take My Hand, and Homesick." Randy Davenport singing: "On Glory Road, and Perfect Stranger."
Kings Ransom Ministries With Gary and Liz Stephenson Playing Southern Gospel Music
Kings Ransom Ministries With Gary and Liz Stephenson Playing Southern Gospel Hymns and Songs Country Style. Some Favorites are: Just A Closer Walk, How Great Thou Art, Supper Time, The Light House, Where Could I Go and Several Other Favorites.
Kings Ransom With Gary and Liz Discussing "Temptation of Jesus" Matthew Chapter 4
After Jesus had prayed for forty days and forty nights, the devil tried several tricks to persuade Jesus to bow down and worship him. The temptation of Jesus takes place in Matthew Chapter 4 and we encourage you to study your Bible along with us.
Kings Ransom With Gary and Liz Discussing "The Beatitudes" Matthew Chapter 5
This video is about Jesus speaking Blessings, Known as the Beatitudes, to the Multitude who had gathered to hear Jesus preach. This event takes place in Matthew Chapter 5. We encourage you to study your Bible along with us.
Kings Ransom With Gary and Liz Discussing "The Last Days To Jesus' Return To Earth"
This video is about Jesus telling the disciples there will be many false teachers who claim to be the Messiah and will lead many astray. Jesus told them this will be only the beginning of the horrors to come. This event takes place in Matthew Chapter 24. We encourage you to study along with us.
Kings Ransom With Gary and Liz Discussing "The Last Days" Part 2 Matthew 24
This video, "The Last Days" Part 2, is about two people will be working together in the fields, and one will be taken, the other left. Jesus told them to be prepared or be ready for his unannounced return. This event takes place in Matthew Chapter 24. We encourage you to study along with us.
Kings Ransom With Gary and Liz Discussing "The Lord's Prayer" Matthew Chapter 6
This video is about The Lord's Prayer. Jesus is teaching and telling the multitude how to pray. Jesus tells them when they pray not to be like the hypocrites to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street that they may be seen of men. Not to use vain repetitions as the heathens do for your Father knows what things you are in need of. This event takes place in Matthew Chapter 6. We encourage you to study Matthew Chapter 6 along with us.
Kings Ransom With Gary and Liz Discussing "The Path To Heaven" Part I
This video is about Judge yourself first before judging others. Clear the bad things out of your own eyes before judging sin on someone else. God will open the door to those who diligently ask and seek to establish a relationship with Jesus. Very few find their way to Jesus Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life. This video is taken from Matthew 7 verses 1 thru 14. We encourage you to get your Bible and study along with us.
Gary and Liz Stephenson with Kings Ransom Ministries Tribute To “Gary S. Paxton”
This video is a Tribute To “Gary S. Paxton” has his personal testimony and some of the songs he has written, recorded and produced. The material used for this video was approved by Vicki Sue Paxton his wife.
We pray you will help us to spread God's Word by forwarding this to your family, friends, etc. Thanks, God Bless and have a Blessed Day.
Kings Ransom with Gary and Liz discussing the Story of the hymn "What A Friend We Have In Jesus"
Gary and Liz Discuss the story and what brought about Joseph M. Scriven to write the poem "What A Friend We Have In Jesus" to comfort his mother who was ill. The Poem was published and Charles Converse, a US Attorney and composer wrote the tune for "What A Friend We Have In Jesus" in 1868.
Kings Ransom with Gary and Liz discussing "What is and Who is the Holy Spirit"
The Holy Spirit is part of the Trinity, God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son of God, and God the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit gives us Salvation through the Blood of Jesus. The Holy Spirit gives us the fruit of the Spirit which is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faithfulness, and self-control.
This video is about the importance of the Red Heifer to Jews. This event takes place in Numbers Chapter 19 and Hebrews Chapter 9 verses 13 and 14. We encourage you to get your Bible and study along with us.
Kings Ransom Ministries With Gary and Liz Discussing the Parable of the "Wise and Foolish Builders."
The Wise man builder was obedient to Jesus and had a foundation built on the Word of God. The Foolish man wasn't obedient to Jesus and had no solid foundation.
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